
Since 1947, Pakistan has witnessed sporadic instances of persecution against its Christian minority, including discrimination, violence, and blasphemy accusations. Christians often face societal challenges and have been targeted in incidents such as church attacks and discriminatory laws, despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom.

The Christian community in Pakistan has long faced persecution and violence. Instances of targeted attacks, church bombings, and discriminatory laws persist, undermining the constitutional promise of religious freedom. Accusations of blasphemy often result in severe consequences, with Christians being disproportionately affected. The community encounters societal challenges, contributing to a climate of fear and marginalization. Despite calls for tolerance and protection, ongoing incidents highlight the urgent need for safeguarding the rights and safety of Pakistan’s Christian population. In addition to targeted violence and discrimination, the Christian community in Pakistan grapples with the disturbing issue of forced conversions, particularly affecting young girls. Reports of underage Christian girls being coerced into marriages after conversion to Islam highlight a distressing pattern. These cases further underscore the challenges faced by the Christian minority, as they navigate not only physical threats but also the violation of their fundamental rights and freedoms, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address the multifaceted persecution faced by the community